Kojima And Del Toro Give Us A “P.T.” That Takes Us Back To A Familiar Town………
15 August 2014
Last Updated on 15 August 2014
Written by David Cantu

It’s been almost a week or so since a weird game popped up on the Playstation Network Store made by a game studio (7780s Studio) that NO ONE has ever heard of. I haven’t commented on it until mow because I really wanted it to sink in for awhile. If you’ve been on the internets in the past week then you may know may already know what it is. If not then you’ve come to the right place because what this “P.T” stands for is Playable Teaser………and it’s the scariest thing you’ll play. If you have a PS4 and haven’t downloaded it then I suggest you do so NOW or if you are either lazy (like me sometimes) or a chicken shit (like me sometimes) then watch the walkthrough that I came across on YouTube….
It’s about 25 minutes but TRUST ME it’s definitely worth it!
Ok, take a moment for all of that awesomeness to sink in. I’ll give you a minute………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………WAS THAT NOT THE BEST SHIT IN THE WHOLE WORLD?! HIDEO KOJIMA! GUILLERMO DEL TORO! NORMAN REEDUS! WITH A NEW SILENT HILL GAME!Sorry, I got a bit overzealous with the caps lock. Seriously though, that was the best thing I’ve played all year……and it was only a DEMO!! Imagine the full game! I’m more excited that Kojima and Del Toro (two of the best storytellers ever) are giving a a shot this franchise. This has me immensely excited but also extremely worried for my blood pressure. I played this with my wife and 14 yr old daughter in the room and they were scared shitless but at the same time they couldn’t look away. That really says a lot. What do YOU all think of it? Sound off in the comments or tag me on Instagram (CinemaDeviant), Facebook or Twitter (@CinemaDeviant)