The Breakfast Club – 30th Anniversary Edition: Blu-ray Review











The Movie:

When Saturday detention started, they were simply the Jock, the Princess, the Brain, the Criminal and the Basket Case, but by that afternoon they had become closer than any of them could have imagined.

It’s rare that you find someone that hasn’t seen The Breakfast Club. I was only 2 years old when it first came out but I ended up discovering it in my early teen years and it completely changed my life. It’s a story that can be identified with by everyone and has characters that are so likable that no matter what kind of person you are you will find one of them that you can relate to. The film only really has one location but manages to feel like a big adventure and coming of age tale within one session of detention. I sat and tried to think of a favorite moment of mine from the film but I can honestly say that it’s impossible. There are so many great moments that I can’t pick just one. From the dance scene and the scene where they are running through the hallway all the way to the most revealing and emotional scene when they all break down who they really are to one another, I loved it all. My favorite thing I love seeing is the way new generations discover this film and watch it repeatedly like I used to. Next thing you know there they are quoting the film back and forth. This movie has shown that it can stand the test of time and will continue to do so because everyone can be the Jock, the Princess, the Brain, the Criminal or the Basket Case. 10/10

Special Features:

Feature Commentary with Judd Nelson and Anthony Michael Hall

The Most Convenient Definitions: The Origins of the Brat Pack – This goes into how David Blum branded them with the name and how they felt about it.

Sincerely Your – A great feature where cast and crew talk about the film and their experiences with the cultural phenomenon. Unfortunately Estevez and Ringwald don’t appear.

Accepting the Facts: The Breakfast Club Trivia Track

All of these features were basically pulled from the 25th Anniversary Edition so there really isn’t anything new here besides the Trivia Track.

The Breakfast Club: 30th Anniversary Edition is available NOW on Blu-ray from Universal Studios Home Entertainment


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