The Boss: Blu-ray Review












The Movie:

Michelle Darnell, a titan of industry who is sent to prison for insider trading. After doing her time, Michelle emerges, ready to rebrand herself as America’s latest sweetheart, but not everyone she steamrolled is so quick to forgive and forget. With nowhere to go and no one to scam, Michelle is forced to move in with former assistant Claire (Kristen Bell) and her young daughter, Rachel. Now at her lowest point, Michelle wastes no time in devising a winner-take-all plan to rebuild her empire. Can she reclaim her status as the No. 1 screwer, or will the love of one family screw her for good?

There comes a time when actors need to reinvent themselves and I feel like at this point in time McCarthy needs to do just that. Don’t get me wrong, I like her and I think she can be entertaining BUT it does feel like all of her jokes and gags are exactly the same in every film. You can tell exactly when she starts to ad lib lines and some are pretty funny but others tend to linger too long and it just makes things awkward…..and not in a good way. Bell was the person that I felt made this movie worth the watch. I like that she kind of played the straight character that had some good jabs thrown in from time to time. The plot wasn’t really bad. I thought it was a more adult version of Troop Beverly Hills to a certain extent which made for some funny moments including a knock down, drag out fight between two teams of Girls Scouts. It’s unfortunate because I really did want to like this film but it just totally missed its mark. If you’re a Melissa McCarthy fan then there’s a good chance that you’ll really like this but as a casual viewer it’ll probably won’t resonate with you. 6/10

Special Features:

Alternate Ending – This shows the troop taking on a Boy Scouts type group with their leader being Dave Bautista.

Deleted Scenes – About 10 scenes here that are okay to check out but don’t offer anything more than the film did.

Extended/Alternate Scenes – Another handful of scenes her that are decent but are a perfect example of gags running a little too long.

Gag Reel – Even thought the film wasn’t the best I REALLY enjoyed this Gag Reel. Good stuff!

Michelle Darnell – Original Sketch – A sketch from The Groundlings that features the original appearance of the Michelle Darnell character.

Origin Story – Includes cast and crew interviews and they talk about their initial meeting at The Groundlings.

Peter Dinklage Gets to the Point – Cast and crew talk about how Dinklage brought the character of Renault to life.

Everybody Loves Kristen Bell – Cast and crew talk about the best things that come from working with Bell.

The Boss is available NOW on Blu-ray and DVD from Universal Studios Home Entertainment


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