Suicide Squad – Extended Cut: 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Blu-ray Review











The Movie:

It feels good to be bad… Assemble a team of the world’s most dangerous, incarcerated Super Villains, provide them with the most powerful arsenal at the government’s disposal, and send them off on a mission to defeat an enigmatic, insuperable entity. U.S. intelligence officer Amanda Waller has determined only a secretly convened group of disparate, despicable individuals with next to nothing to lose will do. However, once they realize they weren’t picked to succeed but chosen for their patent culpability when they inevitably fail, will the Suicide Squad resolve to die trying, or decide it’s every man for himself?

Much like Batman v Superman there will be groups of people that didn’t like this film and others that do. I personally thought it was really fun given the fact that it was coming off the heels of BvS which everyone thought was too serious. I went into it wanting to have a great time and that’s exactly what happened. The challenge however was going to find a way to introduce each character properly without drowning any other characters in the process and I think they did it rather well. We even get a cool look at The Flash during Captain Boomerang’s introduction which I thought was super cool. The plot was a bit weird because of the choice to have Enchantress as the main villain but all the action scenes and humor thrown in made up for it totally. The only thing that I wish they would’ve done was get to the team up factor a lot sooner. It seems like it took almost half the movie to get them together. Even though the film was basically a Harley Quinn and Deadshot movie I thought the main one to steal the show was Captain Boomerang. His fireball attitude and his underhanded sneakiness made him such a joy to watch on screen. I really think that they should give him a definite spin-off film. My thoughts on Jared Leto’s Joker are mixed. On one hand I thought he had a great look and that it brought a semi modern feel to the character while also paying homage to some of the classic incarnations. On the other hand I thought that performance wise there was something really missing. I just don’t think that he really got who the character really was. On the technical side I do think that some of the editing in the film felt very “off” and certain scene transitions seemed very abrupt. Even with its flaws I did think that the movie was extremely entertaining and has a lot of potential for plenty of spin-offs for some of the other characters. If you looking for a movie that is a lot lighter in tone than BvS but still action packed then you have to pick this up without a doubt. 7/10

4K Presentation:

Big budget movies like this always look fantastic in this format. Everything looked a lot more vivid and crisp due to the HDR and there were even moments (in comparison to the Blu-ray) that provided an outstanding improvement in picture quality. If you’re an A/V enthusiast I would definitely recommend this version to view the film.

3D Presentation:

3D really is more of a novelty now more than anything. Not many movies utilize it properly or they aren’t really shot FOR 3D. With that said this movie does look pretty good in this format. The depth between the foreground and the looked impressive for it being a 3D transfer but the only thing that I found a problem with was the vibrancy of the colors. It seemed to have dropped once I watched the film in 3D. I was able to adjust my TV settings to alleviate the problem but it was a bit too much work to get it to look just right.

Special Features:

Extended Cut – There really wasn’t much more extra in this version. In BvS’s extended cut it seemed like it featured a different take on the film. In this case it really just added a bit more scenes with the Joker that were kind of cool to see but didn’t change the landscape of the film on any level.

Task Force X: One Team, One Mission – This feature gives a bit of background information on the original Suicide Squad from the comics.

Chasing the Real – A look at the visual effects in the film and how they compared the difference between realism and comics.

Joker & Harley: “It” Couple of the Underworld – An interesting look at Leto and Robbie and how they were able to reinvent the characters for the film.

Squad Strength and Skills – A look at the stunts and training sequences in the film.

Armed to the Teeth – A quick look at all the we the weapons in the movie.

This Is Gonna Get Loud: The Epic Battles of Suicide Squad – This feature focuses on the fight choreography and action sequences in the film.

The Squad Declassified – A look at each of the squad members but for some reason Diablo is excluded here.

Gag Reel – An always fun feature that shows missed cues, line flubs and the actors goofing around on set.

Suicide Squad: Extended Cut is available NOW on 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray 3D, Blu-ray and Digital HD from Warner Bros Home Entertainment


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