Mine: Blu-ray Review










The Movie:

A U.S. soldier is stranded in the desert for 52 hours after a mission falls apart. He must fight for survival against his enemies, the hostile environment, and the creeping psychological toll of his treacherous situation.

Military movies were never really my favorite. Not that there’s anything wrong with them, it’s just not my cup of tea. I do however really like “fight for survival” movies so it did peak my interest as soon as I found out that this was one of those. Usually with films like that the setting is fairly singular and it’s things like that, that impress me. This film did a fantastic job at having one single area that the film took place and it managed to keep me engaged throughout the entire time. Films like this have to get creative to keep the viewer wanting to see more and I think that this film did the job. Armie Hammer pulled off a great performance even though there was not too much to play off of at times. When he did act against someone it felt like it was a very poignant moment in the film and had a lot of depth. There were a few scenes later in the movie that I felt could’ve been left out or changed a bit but other than that I thought it was a solid film that kept me on the edge of my seat. Would I recommend this movie to others? Yes! I believe that this movie could stand right next to Buried (a totally underrated film) and be just as good. 7/10

Special Features:

Deleted Scenes – A few scenes here that are pretty good but it’s understandable why they were cut.

The Making Of – The usual Behind The Scenes feature that offers some insight on the production, film clips and interviews.

VFX And Storyboard – A nice little look at some of the special effects in the film.

Mine is available NOW on Blu-ray and DVD from Well Go USA Entertainment


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