What line would you cross to get closer to a crush? Directed by Malik Bader and written by Sonny Mallhi, the film follows Bess (Crystal Reed), a shy high school student who acquires an unhealthy obsession with Scott (Lucas Till), a popular high school athlete. Scott slowly realizes the dangers of his new secret admirer and finds himself in an unwanted predicament.
Let me start by saying kudos for a WTF intro to this film. Anytime you involve kids and twisted actions, you are sure to stir up some type of reaction from the audience, good or bad. It set the tone for the movie and also was meant to confuse the audience. I set myself up for the “expect the unexpected” moment. I mean, that is what thrillers are right? A set up to have the rug slipped right from under you. Did this movie deliver such a moment? Somewhat. I wouldn’t say I was shocked with the climax, but I was a bit oblivious to the actual “villain” in film. And not to give out spoilers, but the cover art on the Blu-Ray could have been left out :/ Since it managed to keep my attention and had an interesting back story that many can relate to, I would say this movie was pretty good. Who at some point didn’t have a crush that caused them to do crazy things like follow them to the library to see what books he checked out so you have a topic to bring up at school the next day? That’s normal right? (Totally made up BTW lol). High school based films are easy to relate to, you feel connected to the characters and you try to imagine yourself as one of them.
As for the characters, Bess longed for Scott and then you meet Jeffrey (Reid Ewing) who is obsessed with Bess and lets not forget Jules (Sarah Bolger), Scott’s close friend, who is enthralled by Scott. Get where it’s going? We are introduced to crushes. Of course one focus is on the main two characters, but the bigger picture was as you pine for one person, someone else might be pining for you.
Special Features: Just one, the making of the movie. Short interviews with the majority of the cast as well as the director and writer of the film. I always love these because it’s very personable. Not too long or too short, great add in.
Go and check this movie out! This wouldn’t be a “chic flick” so to speak, but females might be able to relate a bit more to it. Out on Blu-Ray and DVD now.