In The Blood: Blu-ray Review











The Movie:

MMA star Gina Carano (Haywire, Fast and Furious 6) stars as Ava, a trained fighter with a dark past in this intense action/thriller from director John Stockwell (Blue Crush, Crazy/Beautiful). When her new husband (Cam Gigandet, Twilight) vanishes during their Caribbean honeymoon, Ava uncovers a violent underworld of conspiracy in the middle of an island paradise. Armed with a deadly set of skills, Ava sets out to discover the truth and to take down the men she thinks are responsible for her husband’s abduction, one by one.

I’m a new fan of Carano but the thing is I’ve never seen her fight at all. I dug her fight sequences in Haywire and Fast 6 so when I heard about this movie I was immediately interested when I saw her name was attached to it. The story was one that in reality would freak me the hell out. It’s the worst tourist situation that someone could be in. An accident happens and your spouse gets injured and has to be rushed to the hospital only when you arrive to meet the ambulance at the hospital they have no record of them being admitted. That’s stressing me out just typing it. The chemistry between Carano and Gigandet seemed a bit forced at times in the first act but as soon as the action hit then the honeymoon was over (literally). It was like Carano flipped the switch and her fight scenes became very intense and unforgiving which made for some absolutely great action. Even Gigandet got in on the action in the third act and did a great job as well. The acting in the film wasn’t exactly A-List caliber but you can’t deny that it wasn’t a fun action movie to watch. You completely get your money’s worth with this one and if you are into action movies or (more importantly) Gina Carano then you WILL NOT be disappointed one bit and I can’t wait to see her in more movies like this.

Special Features:

In The Blood: Behind The Scenes – A pretty decent BTS feature that shows a bit on the creation of the film that includes snippets from the cast.

In The Blood is available June 3rd on Blu-ray and DVD from Anchor Bay Entertainment


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