Arrow – The Complete Second Season: Blu-ray Review











Season Overview:

Starling City has been torn apart by the Undertaking, so the need for the hooded vigilante — now known as The Arrow — is more urgent than ever. After retreating to the island on which he was once stranded, Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) returns to protect his mother, sister and besieged company but comes to realize that allies and enemies have switched sides, and the stranglehold of evil on family, friends and city is diabolically linked to his fateful shipwreck. A once-tight comrade-at-arms and a strength-enhancing, yet mind-warping serum may prove to be the mightiest adversaries The Arrow has ever encountered. Can justice find its target? Or will all fall before the fury of Deathstroke?

Oliver and company are back (see what I did there?) to watch over Starling City and things heat up VERY quickly. Usually it takes a show a season or two to find it’s legs but this year has shown that Arrow hit the ground running full speed ahead and shows no signs of stopping or slowing down. The focus this year seems to be on more a growing period for the hero. We see him actually start using the “Arrow” name and start to use the iconic mask that has been in the comics for years. As things start to come together for Oliver things get just even more complicated and it definitely pulled me in. In the first season we are introduced to Slade Wilson via flashbacks and people that are aware of the comics know where it’s going eventually and we finally get it in this season. If you’re a fan of Deathstroke then you will not be disappointed. Manu Bennett is a powerhouse in his portrayal of the character. He has a commanding presence that is completed with a voice that will intimidate almost everyone. Amell has really embraced his role and seems to love it immensely as it noticeably comes across on screen. He gives the character depth and an emotional story that seems to know no bounds. It was pretty cool to see the inclusion of Roy Harper and his transition from being a troubled young man to a hero. Colton Haynes gives a good, powerful performance but I think he may need to dial it back just a bit and not be too intense because then it may come off as being kind of hokey. If you don’t know his story then the final episode of this season gives you a better idea of who he becomes. Speaking of the final episode it was most definitely a great one. It was a culmination of a lot of history between Arrow and Deathstroke and it kept you at the edge of your seat. The fight scene felt raw and almost theatrical. I pretty much forgot I was watching a TV show. I think the only thing that I wasn’t a fan of was the way that they introduced Black Canary. Her story just seemed TOO similar to that of Oliver Queen and it just made me kind of “eh” about it. Let’s not forget about the intro that they gave to Barry Allen aka The Flash. His episode was really cool and didn’t give you everything all at once and of course is getting you ready for his own TV series. Then of course there was a nice little nod to the SuperMax film that never was at the end of season 2. It shows that they are really making this show with the fans in mind. If you haven’t watched this show yet then I have two things to say to you: This would be the perfect time to get into the series and what the hell are you waiting for?! Go pick this up already!!

Special Features:

From Vigilante To Hero – A pretty insightful documentary that shows just much Oliver Queen has changed. He makes the transition from just being a guy in a hood to a savior.

How Did They Do That?! The Visual Effects Of Arrow – This feature shows just how much bigger the action and visual effects got for season 2. The sky is the limit in the minds of the writers.

Wirework: The Impossible Moves Of Arrow – This takes a look at the fight sequences and just how intricate they can be with the wirework involved.

Arrow 2013 Comic Con Panel – Cast and crew get together and take about what to expect in season 2.

Deleted Scenes – The scenes included in this set didn’t actually give too much extra and I can understand why they were cut.

Gag Reel – It’s good to know that on an action based show like Arrow that the cast and crew can sill laugh and be silly. Great stuff!

Arrow: The Complete Second Season is available September 16th on Blu-ray and DVD from Warner Home Video


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