Adventure Time Season 2: Blu-ray Review











This blu-ray of the 2nd season of Adventure Time is packed with 26 episodes totaling over 5 hours of content on one disc. This was my first experience with this show so I watched the whole season from beginning to end. The funny thing about it was that since each episode is about 12 minutes long I ended up going through it all without even realizing it. This is one of those shows that after you see it you’re aren’t entirely sure what you just watched but you’ll love it anyway. Adventure Time doesn’t really have a linear storyline……or a storyline at all for that matter but that honestly doesn’t even matter. The humor isn’t that of your usual cartoon. Some of it can be aimed a bit more to older kids and adults but that doesn’t make it any less funny. The other humor in the show is just so ridiculous that you can’t help but laugh at it. The animation is pretty cute but can sometimes be borderline “acid trip” creepy which would probably go over well with the older audience. Even with all of that the show really conveys a positive message about friendship and helping others which is always a great thing. The 2 main characters, Jake and Finn, are super likable and they will easily have you quoting them even after you watch the episodes. With the amount of episodes in the season (and the crazy, weird, awesome humor) this is definitely worth the $22 to $25 price tag that it ranges from and I suggest you pick it up.

Special Features:

The Crew Of Adventure Time, Interviewed By Pendleton Ward – It was a little surprising that this was the only feature on the disc. With that being said, it’s just as weird, funny and random as the show is and you’ll dig it.

Adventure Time Season 2 is available NOW from Cartoon Network and Warner Bros Home Entertainment Group


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