2 Guns: Blu-ray Review











The Movie:

Robert Trench (), an undercover DEA agent, takes advantage of gunman Michael Stigman’s () idea to rob a bank to bust him and a mob boss. However, it proves too successful with much more money seized than anticipated with Trench’s forces not stopping the getaway. Complicating things still more, Stigman turns out to be a Naval Intelligence agent who shoots Trench and takes the money. The interservice debacle suddenly finds Trench and Stigman in a bloody web of corrupt clandestine rivalries as they are hunted, blackmailed and isolated for the money on both sides of the law. Now, the fugitives must work together to find a way out of this situation with no one to turn to but themselves.

The buddy cop action film has been a staple in cinema since as far back as I can remember. We’ve had some really good ones and some really bad ones. 2 Guns falls in the “really good” category. Washington and Wahlberg are both leading men of the highest caliber and them sharing the screen together makes for an extremely fun film and excellent chemistry. Washington brings the dramatics and intelligence to his role. There were times where I felt like he could say something so farfetched and insane but totally convince me that he was in his right mind and made total sense. It’s moments like that that have me so impressed with Washington’s acting ability. Wahlberg on the other hand is the complete opposite of the spectrum in a sense. He is a phenomenal actor and can bring the dramatics as well but that’s not what his character called for. Stig is a total wildman and is a very rough and tumble kind of character. Those are the kinds of roles where I enjoy seeing him in the most and I fell like it comes easier to him. There were moments where he kind of reminded me of Riggs from Lethal Weapon a bit in the way that he was a loose canon. On top of all of that Wahlberg had some of the best comic relief of the film as well which made for some great moments with him and Washington playing off of each other seamlessly. This is the perfect film to watch if you are looking for lots of action, comedy and not an overly complex storyline. This one gets my approval for sure!

Special Features:

Deleted And Extended Scenes – There were a pretty good number of scenes here but for the most part you could tell why they were cut from the film.

Undercover And Into Action – Screenwriter Blake Masters talks a bit about how he combined the writing of the graphic novel and his own to create the perfect way to bring the story from the pages to the big screen.

The Good, The Bad And The Sexy – A pretty good feature that shows off the cast a bit and talks about what each actor brings to the table and to their role.

Finding The Vibe – This shows how the films itself started as a graphic novel and how it was brought to life.

Living Dangerously – This gives a look at some of the car crashes and explosions in the film with some insight from the stuntmen and stunt coordinators.

Digital HD – Lets you take the film on the go and is perfect so you can stream this film anywhere from most mobile devices and game consoles.

And just because this proves that Denzel Washington is the best actor ever and I’m not the only one to think so here is Froggy Fresh’s ode to the actor simply titled “Denzel Washington”

2 Guns is available November 19th on Blu-ray, DVD and Digital HD from Universal Studios Home Entertainment


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