The Twilight Zone – Season 3: DVD Review










The Twilight Zone is by far one the greatest shows in television history. So many legendary actors have graced the show and made their mark. On this season you’ll see the likes of Robert Redford, Leonard Nimoy, Cloris Leachman, Peter Falk, Jack Klugman, Jonathan Winters, Charles Bronson, Elizabeth Montgomery among many others. This 5 disc set gives about 16 hours/37 episodes of classic goodness and is a great set to sit back and relive a part of the series that started it all. Without The Twilight Zone we wouldn’t have shows like The Outer Limits, Tales From The Darkside, Tales From The Crypt and even the most recent Masters Of Horror. Some of the episodes range from strange to having somewhat of a social overtones but “seemingly” the overall theme of the season was variations of being solitary. Perfect examples of this are in the episode “Two” and in “Nothing In The Dark”. Each have different versions of being alone, with “Two” being two soldiers that find themselves in a town in the aftermath of a war and “Nothing In The Dark” being looked at as characters being alone and victim of their own minds. In a world of high definition I’m even impressed with this DVD version of the series. The transfer from the old 35mm prints was done so fantastically and I only saw one small digitizing of the picture on an episode but that was about it. The detail that can be seen is astounding! You can see everything from beads of sweat to pores on actors faces. My favorite episode of the season (maybe even the series) has to be “It’s A Good Life”. I mean who as a kid didn’t wish for the power to turn people into other things or make someone explode? Only me?! Well in case you don’t remember the episode you might remember a “remake” of it in the segment for Twilight Zone: The Movie. Bill Mumy even makes a cameo in the segment as well. Another fantastic thing about this season is seeing now legendary actors in the beginning of their careers (including a very young Robert Redford) and things like that fascinate me immensely. If you’re looking for a sense of nostalgia and to get a film/TV history lesson then this would be perfect for you!

The Twilight Zone: Season 3 is available on DVD July 9th from Image Entertainment


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