Smashed: DVD Review










The Movie:

Mary Elizabeth Winstead and  Aaron Paul star in this comedy/drama as a married couple that likes to party. When I say party I mean drink and when I say drink I mean A LOT. After having a bit too much fun one night Kate (Winstead) goes into work the next morning where she works as an elementary school teacher. Still hungover, she begins her usual routine but then vomits in front of her class sparking her to lie and say she’s pregnant. From there her little lie becomes something much bigger and her life begins to spiral out of control. Charlie (Paul) doesn’t help matters any with his enabling ways and halts any progress that she tries to make to better herself. She’s at a crossroads with herself and now it’s battle between her and the alcohol.

When a movie like this comes along it becomes much more than just a film. It’s something that I’m absolutely positive that people can identify with and relate to in some way, shape or form. Paul and Winstead bring performances unlike anything I’ve seen in a while. Winstead was exceptional in her role. The moments where she was making a drunken fool of herself were pretty funny and added a bit of comedy to a serious situation but at the same time was really sad and you can see that she has a serious problem. With Paul, I’m familiar with him being a ruthless drug dealer in Breaking Bad so it was a nice to see him in a more dramatic role that is a departure from his usual stuff. The scene at the end of the film showed that Paul has the ability to be a real contender in feature films. Dare I say………the final scene almost made me shed a tear. I love that this movie doesn’t sugar coat anything at all and gives you the whole truth and nothing but the truth no matter how ugly it may be.

Special Features:

Making Smashed -A good behind the scenes feature with cast and crew insight on the film.

Toronto Film Festival Red Carpet and Q&A -A really good feature of the cast and crew answering questions after a screening of the film.

Deleted Scenes -Six pretty good deleted scenes that extend a few scenes a bit more but aren’t entirely necessary.

Smashed is available NOW on Blu-ray and DVD from Sony Pictures Home Entertainment


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