Power Rangers Super Megaforce – The Silver Warrior: DVD Review











As the fight against evil Prince Vekar’s alien Armada gets tougher, the Power Rangers Super Megaforce (Troy, Noah, Emma, Gia and Jake) find themselves receiving help from the Legendary Samurai and Jungle Fury Red Rangers! The odds are further evened when the Rangers are joined by an unexpected new ally from another planet — Orion, the all-new Silver Ranger! Witness more action, more teamwork, and more Legendary Rangers than ever before!

This volume is where we get more into the special cameo episodes. The first one has a cameo from Jayden from Power Rangers Samurai and the second had a cameo from Casey from Power Rangers Jungle Fury. These two episodes were really good and brought in some familiar faces that gave good advice to the rangers. It’s these episodes that make way for some great moments that push the overall story arc further but I just wish that there were more of these. The other two episodes concentrated on the debut of The Silver Ranger. It’s always a treat to see how they go about introducing a sixth ranger and for the most part they make it fairly interesting. This introduction was actually a bit darker than the others that I remember. The Silver Ranger’s origins dealt with the Armada basically overtaking and destroying everyone on his home planet. It was grim and darker than what I am used to but it gave the story more depth and made it just a little more for an older audience without going overboard. The only bad things about this DVD (just like the previous DVD) is that there are only four episodes and no special features at all. Other than that, I really enjoyed the episodes that were included and even through some of the cheesiness they are pretty solid story wise. 8/10

Power Rangers Super Megaforce: The Silver Warrior is available NOW on DVD from Lionsgate


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