The Guest: Blu-ray Review











The Movie:

Recently discharged from the military, David Collins (Dan Stevens) unexpectedly shows up at the Peterson family’s doorstep, claiming to be their late son’s Army buddy. Welcomed into their home, the well-mannered stranger becomes part of the family until a shocking wave of violence raises daughter Anna’s (Maika Monroe) suspicions that the mysterious ex-soldier is not quite what he seems.

As soon as the title shot up on the screen I knew what the feel of the film was going to be like. There was an 80’s vibe that I got almost immediately that was extremely reminiscent of the Rutger Hauer thrillers that used to creep me out. Stevens brings this charisma to the character that gets thrown right in your face. He starts out as this very likeable guy and then he starts to transform into this badass, yet somewhat psychotic, man. Surprisingly enough I couldn’t stop liking his character. Every time that he did something questionable I kept saying “Yeah, I think I still like this guy though” which says a lot for the actor portraying him. The story is a bit vague in certain spots which I thought was weird. There’s tad bit of backstory but then they start going into military testing territory without more of an explanation as to why or how. That is probably my only qualm with the film but even with that plaguing the story a bit I still really enjoyed this film and thought it was a great throwback. There was LOTS of action and plenty of suspense which made this a really fun movie to watch. This is a great film that will feel familiar in spots but still keeps it pretty fresh with the way the story unfolds. Definitely worth picking up! 7/10

Special Features:

Deleted Scenes – About 15 minutes of scenes here that are pretty cool to check out but you can see why they were cut.

Q&A With Dan Stevens – An extremely short interview with the star of the film.

Feature Commentary With Director Adam Wingard and Writer Simon Barrett

The Guest is available January 6th on Blu-ray and DVD from Universal Studios Home Entertainment


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