Dom Hemingway: Blu-ray Review











The Movie:

Dom Hemingway (Jude Law) is a larger-than-life safecracker with a short fuse — and a long memory — who sets off to collect what he’s owed after 12 years in prison. When his long-awaited payday goes awry, Dom tries to reconnect with his estranged daughter (Emilia Clarke), only to be tempted again to crack safes.

The only thing that I knew about this film was that Law looked like a really big douche bag from the cover of the blu-ray, other than that I knew nothing at all. From the start I wasn’t too sure what to make of this movie. It started out on a REALLY crude note and doesn’t stop there at all. What you get is a story of a man that is trying to get some sort of compensation from his previous employers because of the time he was imprisoned. Hemingway inhabits a grey area as far as characterization goes and it’s a bit hard to figure out if you want to root for him or not. Throughout the film you clearly see that he’s a complete slime ball but then there’s a moment that you see a slightly softer side to him when he tries to reconnect with his daughter that he left behind but of course he goes back to his old ways and tries to get that big payday. Law plays this guy perfectly. You can really see that he plays a slime ball” very well and he just makes you want to jump in the bath tub and scrub yourself clean. Yes, he just makes you feel pretty disgusting. In the end all he really wants is the chance to be a “dad” again and to right some of the things he did wrong but in my opinion the character never really grabbed my sympathy. It was hard to sympathize with a person that was trying to be friendly with his daughter and grandson yet 20 minutes prior he was snorting massive amounts of cocaine. It puts you in a weird spot as a viewer and I had a hard time wanting to be on his side. Either way, it’s an entertaining film that will have you chuckling at times but also scratching your head. If you have the chance I would say give this a view.

Special Features:

Who is Dom Hemingway? – A small look at the character and what he’s about.

The Story – A brief look at the basic plot of the film.

The Look of Dom Hemingway – A feature that is mainly about the production design aspect of the film and how it comes across on screen.

A Conversation with the Cast and Director – Small interviews with the cast and crew.

Ping Pong Loop – It’s basically a loop of the small scene that was projected on the wall  in the film that consists of two topless women playing ping pong. This feature lasts 30 MINUTES!

Dom Hemingway is available NOW on Blu-ray and DVD from 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment


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