Ant-Man: Digital HD Review











The Movie:

I reviewed the film earlier this year. If you’d like to read what I thought about it then you can do that HERE.

Special Features:

Making of an Ant-Sized Heist: A How-To Guide – A look at the history of the character, how it connects to the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and lots of behind the scenes footage.

Let’s Go to the Macroverse – A really cool feature that shows how they pulled off some of the unique shots in the film.

WHIH NewsFront – A few (fictional) news clips that feature Darren Cross, Scott Lang and other events having to do with the film.

Deleted & Extended Scenes – Plenty of great scenes here that could’ve easily been included but were most likely cut for time or pacing.

Gag Reel – Such a fantastic collection of miscues and line flubs including Paul Rudd showing off his sweet Ant-Man dance moves.

Audio Commentary with Director Peyton Reed and Actor Paul Rudd

I was really pleasantly surprised that the Digital HD version was basically the same as the Blu-ray AND with Disney Movies Anywhere you can link up the film with your iTunes, Amazon or Vudu accounts which is really convenient.

Ant-Man is available NOW on 3D Blu-ray, Blu-ray, DVD and Digital HD from Walt Disney Studios Home Entertianment


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